MINUTES NOVANET ACQUISITIONS SUBCOMMITTEE DATE: March 14, 1995 1:00 p.m. PLACE: King's College Library PRESENT: Linda Aiken DAL/LAW Mark Bartlett TUNS Paulette Drisdelle King's Gail Fraser DAL/WKK Peter Glenister MSVU Mary MacDonald DAL/WKK Kevin MacNeil StFX David Manning SMU (chair) Alison McNair DAL/KIL Michele Sullivan MSVU Terri Winchcombe TUNS REGRETS: Louise Mader DAL/KIL ==================================================== 1. Agenda Agenda approved as distributed. 2. Previous Minutes: Minutes of March 9, 1995 approved with the following correction: 3.3 should include order type Regular/Mono Series 3. Business Arising 3.1 Mapping of Order Types The subcommittee completed the process of mapping existing GLIS order types to the order and payment types to be used in ADVANCE. GLIS GLIS ADVANCE ADVANCE Primary Secondary Order Payment Type Type Type Type __________ ___________ __________________ _______________ Open Back Issue BACK REG Prepaid Back Issue BACK PRE Regular Back Issue BACK REG Replacement Back Issue BACK REG Depository Comp. Prod. COMP DPY Open Comp. Prod. COMPER REG Regular Comp. Prod. COMP REG Subscription Comp. Prod. COMPER REG Checklist Continuation CONT DPY Comes With Continuation CONT WTH Depository Continuation CONT DPY Exchange Continuation CONT EXC Gift Continuation CONT NOX Mail List Continuation CONT NOX Membership Continuation CONT MEM Open Continuation CONT REG Prepaid Continuation CONT PRE Regular Continuation CONT REG Regular Map MAP REG Open Microform MFORMPER REG Prepaid Microform MFORM PRE Regular Microform MFORM REG Replacement Microform MFORM REG Membership Mixed MONOG MEM Regular Mixed MONOG REG Approval Monograph MONOG REG Checklist Monograph MONOG DPY Depository Monograph MONOG DPY Gift Monograph MONOG NOX Open Monograph MONOG REG Prepaid Monograph MONOG PRE Regular Monograph MONOG REG Replacement Monograph MONOG REG Comes With Mono Series MONOS WTH Gift Mono Series MONOS NOX Membership Mono Series MONOS MEM Open Mono Series MONOS REG Prepaid Mono Series MONOS PRE Regular Mono Series MONOS REG Regular Multi-Media OTHER REG Comes with Multi Part LLEAF WTH Open Multi Part LLEAF REG Regular Multi Part MONOG REG Open Multi Title MONOS REG Open Multi Volume MONOS REG Comes With Newspaper NEWS WTH Depository Newspaper NEWS DPY Exchange Newspaper NEWS EXC Gift Newspaper NEWS NOX Mail List Newspaper NEWS NOX Membership Newspaper NEWS MEM Open Newspaper NEWS REG Regular Newspaper NEWS REG Open Other OTHER REG Regular Other OTHER REG Unidentified Other DESID NOX Comes With Periodical PER WTH Depository Periodical PER DPY Exchange Periodical PER EXC Gift Periodical PER NOX Mail List Periodical PER NOX Membership Periodical PER MEM Open Periodical PER REG Prepaid Periodical PER PRE Regular Periodical PER REG Replacement Periodical PER REG Any GLIS order types not covered by the above mapping can be mapped to OTHER REG Additional ADVANCE Order Type Codes required are: NLET MFICHPER MFICH MFILMPER MFILM VIDEOPER VIDEO AUDIOPER AUDIO Novanet has chosen the following codes for PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PAYTP) CODE DESCRIPTION PAYMENT ACTION __________ _______________ __________ 1. DEP DEPOSIT ACCOUNT 1 2. DPY DEPOSITORY 2 3. EXC EXCHANGE 2 4. GIFT GIFT 2 5. MEM MEMBERSHIP 0 6. NOX NO EXPENSE 2 7. PRE PREPAYMENT 3 8. REG REGULAR PAYMENT 0 9. WTH COMES WITH 2 (( we wish any system supplied payment type codes to be removed )) 4. New Business 4.1 Questions for Project Manager David distributed a summarized list of the system requirements for acquisitions/serials that Novanet had previously established as being necessary features for Advance. The list brought together the various responses received from Geac to these requests. It was decided to pursue five of these requests with the Novanet Executive Committee to determine if any action can be taken at this time. Those items where Geac clearly stated that Release 6.0 would allow for the applicable functionality will be confirmed with Geac first to see if such functionality exits in Release 6.0. The items that the subcommittee would like to pursue at this time are: 4.1.1. The advance order file only supports ordering, receiving and invoicing by copy and not by volume. Novanet needs both. Novanet: Novanet Advisory Committee recommended on June 29, June 29/93 1993 that Geac "provide counts of volumes as well as titles in acquisitions". Also stated that " Geac must address and resolve the ... issue(s) either before a contract is signed or as part of Novanet's contract with them" Geac: Geac is planning to develop this feature for a July 9/93 future major enhancement of the acquisitions module. This feature is scheduled for inclusion in Advance Release 6.0 ( June 1994 ) Novanet: ESSENTIAL Oct. 4/93 We need a guarantee from Geac that it will be available. We need this feature from DAY ONE of implementation of Advance. Geac: Geac plans to include this feature in Advance Oct. 19/93 Release 6.0 (June 1994). Geac: The ability to order on both volume and copy will Feb. 28/94 be incorporated in Release 6.0 Geac: Volume and Copy order tracking (R6.2) [6.2 Dec. 94] Oct. 24/94 4.1.2. Can a processing note or a cataloguing note be transferred to Cataloguing from Acquisitions? If not, can a processing slip be printed? Geac: Geac can set up the system so that processing and July 9/93 cataloguing notes will be transferred to Cataloguing from Acquisitions; the processing slip can also be printed. These requests can be accommodated through approximately three (3) days of custom programming. Geac requests information from Novanet regarding what information should be included on the slip, and in which format the Novanet Consortium would like these processing slips to be printed. Novanet: Requires three days of custom programming Oct. 4/93 High priority for Novanet that we have OPTION to print processing slips or to have processing notes display to cataloguing staff. Geac: Geac can set up the system so that processing and Oct. 19/93 cataloguing notes will be transferred to Cataloguing from Acquisitions; the processing slip can also be printed. These requests can be accommodated through approximately three (3) days of custom programming. Geac is now awaiting information from Novanet concerning what information should be included on the slip, and in which format the Novanet Consortium would like these processing slips to be printed. Geac: The ability for the agency to determine if Feb. 28/94 processing/work slips are required for printing will be available with Release 6.0 Geac: Processing/work slips (R6.2) [6.2 Dec. 94] Oct. 24/94 4.1.3. Serial check-in must be limited to a given agency's serials; the system currently allows anyone to check-in serials at any agency. Novanet: Novanet Advisory Committee recommended on June 29, June 29/93 1993 that Geac "address to our satisfaction multi- agency deficiencies in serials check-in". Also stated that " Geac must address and resolve the ... issue(s) either before a contract is signed or as part of Novanet's contract with them" Geac: This feature is in development, for availability July 9/93 with Advance release 6.0 (June 1994). Novanet: TOP PRIORITY Oct. 4/93 ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL Geac must deliver on this one. Geac: This feature is in development for inclusion with Oct. 19/93 Advance Release 6.0 ( June 1994) Geac: The capability to limit receiving own agencies Feb. 28/94 materials in serials check-in will be available with Release 6.0 Geac: Agency qualifier for serials check-in (R6.2) [6.2 Oct. 24/94 Dec.94] 4.1.4 Can prediction patterns for a given serial be copied to another? This feature would simplify prediction patterns for the same serials held by different agencies. Novanet: Novanet Advisory Committee recommended on June 29, June 29/93 1993 that Geac "address to our satisfaction multi- agency deficiencies in serials check-in". Also stated that " Geac must address and resolve the ... issue(s) either before a contract is signed or as part of Novanet's contract with them" Geac: Geac can design a program that will enable July 9/93 prediction patterns for a given serial to be copied over to another. This feature can be made available through custom programming, which should take approximately five (5) days. Novanet: As both the question and the answer were unclear, Oct. 4/93 we sent a follow-up GEM to Geac. We are asking for flexibility in copying prediction patterns and also for copy specific prediction patterns and claim cycles. Geac: Geac can design a program that will enable Oct. 19/93 prediction patterns for a given serial to be copied over to another. This feature can be made available through custom programming. Geac: Question: Can prediction patterns be set by each Oct. 12/93 agency for each copy? Answer: Geac has identified that Novanet's requirements for copy specific publication patterns will also address the need to support multiple sets of publication patterns ... Geac can accommodate NOVANET's request, through custom programming in addition to the time already identified for copying publication patterns. The above requirements will take approximately twenty-eight (28) days. Geac: The ability for each agency to specify Feb. 28/94 publication/frequency patterns for copies set will be available in Release 6.0 Geac: Multiple Publication/frequency patterns (R6.5) [6.5 Oct. 24/94 June 95] 4.1.5. Each agency (in the Novanet consortium) requires the ability to provide agency-specific purchase order ranges. Geac: Geac can accommodate this request, through five (5) July 9/93 days of custom programming. Novanet: ESSENTIAL Oct. 4/93 Why does this take five days of custom programming? We have this feature now. It seems like re-inventing the wheel. In our opinion there should not be a cost attached to this feature. Geac: Geac can design a custom program that will enable Oct. 19/93 the system to provide agency-specific purchase order number ranges. 5. Other Business Subcommittee members expressed a certain amount of frustration at our lack of knowledge of the Advance system in general at this stage, and the effect that this has on our task of assigning codes. Specifically we wondered about the difference between GLIS and ADVANCE as regards renewal of subscriptions. We used the GLIS primary order type 'OPEN' extensively in reviewing and renewing our subscriptions. What is the operative field in ADVANCE? Transferability of the vendor codes, and whether we should delete any vendor records before we migrate was another issue raised. More examination of the Management and User Guides, and more hands-on experience with the test module, will be necessary before we can adequately answer these questions. 6. Next meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 23, 1995 1:00 p.m. at King's College Library. A subsequent meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, March 30, 1995 same time and place. Adjournment