Novanet Acquisitions Committee Meeting August 3, 2000, at 1:30 p.m. University of Kings College Library Present: Linda MacLeod (Dal Killam), David Manning (SMU), Florence Wardrope (SFX), Marilyn Foote (NSAC), Linda Aiken (Dal Law), Karen Chandler (Dal Killam), Gail Fraser (Dal Kellogg), Mary Macdonald (Dal Kellogg), Bev Neable (NSCC), Barbara Nelke (DalTech), Helen Blanchard (MSVU) Absent: Lloyd Melanson (AST),Nick Sobol (UCCB),Elaine MacLean (SFX),Peter Glenister (MSVU),Paulette Coolen (King's) 1) New members and those substituting for others were welcomed.LA and KC introduced themselves to membership as this was their first meeting held while acting as Co-Chairs for the Committee. 2) Agenda approved. Minute taker appointed: MM 3) Previous Minutes (Dec.3/98) were approved with the following correction: (3.1) - multimedia supplement check-in task force never did meet. DM commented that perhaps the idea of this task force should be reinvestigated in light of upgrade to 6.8 in the future. Changes involved with upgrade might alter the issues somewhat. 4) Report from the Committee of Chairs Meeting: 4.1) It was decided that an Implementation Steering Committee should be struck consisting of persons with in-depth knowledge. The draft terms of reference for the committee were distributed. Chair of this committee will be Wayne Paquet from NSAC (an IT person). Acquisitions Committee members were asked to consider serving on this committee so a decision could be made at today's meeting. David Manning was asked if he would serve on the Steering Committee and by the end of the meeting agreed to let his name stand on the condition that other people from SMU weren't participating. LA will give DM's name with the proviso that an additional name may be added later - this due to some Committee members being on vacation and also that it would be good to have both a serials and acquisitions person participating. KC agreed to approach EM about volunteering as Serials module representative. 4.2) Tentative implementation schedule from GEAC was set to begin with delivery of hardware to Novanet office in August. This is already behind schedule. The client training was supposed to be in October. LA told the Committee of Chairs that October is a bad time. LA believes GEAC are thinking of switching over during Xmas. (NYU is experiencing big problems and are about 6 months behind). There was some discussion regarding the progression into 6.8 upgrade and members expressed concern that the implementation be structured and hoped it would allow time for more training and instruction than previously provided. 4.3) Committee of Chairs came up with list of questions for GEAC which was distributed. DM feels changes require an individual to have much more diversified knowledge i.e. person doing piece record may now need to know publication pattern. The changes are going to be much greater. Integration of work flows will be required of some libraries. Concern was expressed about reports and how they will occur eg. item due lists. 4.4) Only 8 students are allowed for training. Discussion ensued about the need for more students. It was decided that we should ask to have more participants take part in the GEAC training session. Three days in November is currently set aside for training. A schedule of the expected dates was distributed. 4.5) Committee of Chairs also discussed Wayne Paquet's principles/practices and protocols for using listserves. This will be distributed (on Novanet - L) when it is finalized. 5) LA and KC were asked to make sure reps list of serials/acquisition membership is accurate. A current list is on Novanet serials/acquisition homepage. DM said that the reps list of the institutes should be complete i.e. Dal should not be limited to one rep on the serials/acquisition meetings (Dec. 98 - Novanet serials/acquisition terms of reference - one rep form each agency.) Perhaps we should have a floating membership whereby people from a library who are dealing with that function in detail should be allowed to meet. Perhaps in implementation we should strike smaller groups to discuss particular functions of the system. 6) It was reported that management at King's College decided they could not continue to allow staff time to serve on the Acquisitions Committee. LA asked for opinions. Agriculture College had listed it as a plus' that they would get to attend at least 4 meetings. Non-attendance by Novanet agencies does put pressure on other Committee members to pass on crucial information. LA will lobby at next Committee of Chairs meeting for the King's representative to continue to attend the Novanet acquisitions meetings. 7) Other Concerns: Members discussed 6.8 Implementation matters and voiced their hope that Novanet staff and the Implementation Steering Committee will keep various Committees informed as to the status of implementation issues as they arise. Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m. Minutes prepared by:Mary MacDonald, Kellogg; revisions by:KC/LA