ACQSER Functional Contacts Meeting Meeting No. 2 June 9, 2003 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Killam Memorial Library G70 Training Room Attendees: Linda Aiken(DALLAW), Dylan Boudreau(Novanet Office), Karen Chandler(DALKIL), Kate Clarke(NSCAD), Bill Fancy(SMU), Gail Fraser(DALWKK), Alison Fulford(DALTEC), Peter Glenister(MSVU), Paulette Lambert(KINGS), Richard Lamer(Novanet Office), Elaine MacLean(SFX), Linda MacLeod(DALKIL), Lloyd Melanson(AST), Verna Mingo(NSAC), Bev Neable(NSCC), Heather Saunders(SMU), Amanda Sparks(DALTEC), Ella-Fay Zalezsak(DALKIL) Unable to attend: Nick Sobol (UCCB) 1. Novanet Standards Documentation Available on the website ( under Staff Info. Documentation needs to be updated and evaluated. Training documents can also be found on website for 6.8. Elaine MacLean distributed items from the site. They were examined, reviewed and commented on by attendees. It was decided that documentation should be further examined and commented upon through the general listserv: Attendees were encouraged to subscribe to list again if not currently receiving email from this list. It was suggested that perhaps a smaller group could do the preliminary review to identify areas where documentation needed revision. Names suggested for Acquisition Monographs were: Linda MacLeod, Kate Clarke, Paulette Lambert and Lloyd Melanson. Names suggested for Acquisition Serials: Karen Chandler, Bev Neable and Bill Fancy. 2. Permissions In Novanet The permission profile has changed with 6.8 providing more options to consider. 3. Location Code Tables in Acquisitions Obsolete location codes need to be flagged as invalid (i.e. GEN +). Anything with punctuation can be marked obsolete. Dylan Boudreau will change description of old GLIS codes and create document of obsolete codes. 4. Monographic Records Switched to Multipart Discussion took place on monographic records that were switched to multipart items during 6.8 migration. If a copy set was attached that had been handled as a multipart/serial item, all copy sets were flipped with a holdings statement being created of "???". This is causing all kinds of issues including problems with the GeoWEB display. Currently the fix is to delete pieces and location copy and then add the pieces again. Question was posed to the Novanet Office if there was some way to isolate these or some sort of global replace for the "???" with a blank space. Dylan will look into this. 5. Active Checkin "ISS-ISS" Options for active checkin are to either link to an active copy set or create an individual institutional copy set. This is somewhat problematic particularly when it comes to Internet access and being able to identify the one created by a specific institution. The question was raised as to whether at the "Type of Holdings" level instead of “Library has” would it be preferable to assign “Institution Code name has” (e.g. SFX has ; MSVU has ; etc.). This needs to be agreed on by a larger group. While this issue may have already been brought forward before, it may be time to readdress for consensus action. 6. Selector Codes, Pseudo-Orders and Deposit Accounts Apparently there are 1,116 selector codes. Issues regarding selector codes, pseudo-orders and deposit accounts were deferred to another time. 7. Claim Reports Discussion took place on the frequency of running these reports by member libraries. Variations existed from every month to occasionally. However, it was suggested that for a first claim, it would be best to run every 3 months. 8. Latest Edition in REF Discussion took place as to how members were dealing with this. Variations were identified and Allison Fulford mentioned that there was a procedure that David Manning had created for this. 9. Retrospective Holdings This is new on menu screens and needs to be incorporated into documentation. 10. Meeting adjourned General meeting concluded followed by two days focused training on Serials in Novanet and Acquisitions in Novanet for non-users of these modules or members wanting to develop more skills in this area.