ACQSER Functional Contacts Meeting Meeting No. 3 Unapproved Minutes Nov. 4, 2003 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Atlantic School of Theology Attendees: Linda Aiken (DALLAW), Dylan Boudreau (Novanet), Kit Clarke (NSCAD), Gail Fraser (DALWKK), Peter Glenister (MSVU), Paulette Lambert (KING=S), Elaine MacLean (SFX), Lloyd Melanson (AST), Heather Saunders (SMU), Ella-Fay Zalezsak (DALKIL) Regrets: Verna Mingo (NSAC), Bev Neable (NSCC), Nick Sobol (UCCB) 1. Approval of agenda The agenda was approved with revisions. 2. Approval of the minutes, June 9, 2003 Minutes of June 9, 2003 were discussed.. Heather Saunders= (SMU) name was added to list of attendees. Item 5, AActive Checkin@ was identified as requiring further discussion. Minutes approved with revisions. 3. Business arising from the minutes 3.1 Obsolete locations Dylan Boudreau reported that he has tagged all obsolete location codes and has suggested that all institutional reps look at the Novanet Staff homepage to verify that all of these marked codes are definitely obsolete. Any errors or discrepancies should be reported to Dylan. 3.2 Monographs converted to multiparts In response to a request for a list of all items that appeared with ??? after the 6.8 conversion, Richard (Novanet) has run a report that identifies approximately 4000 of these. Various options for dealing with these were discussed; one option was to replace all ? notations in the parts field with a blank space. Lloyd explained that this problem occurred in holdings records which had a volume number in the part rather than in the call number field. The group recommended that the Cataloguing Functional Contacts Group investigate ways to correct this. Additionally, it was resolved by all present, that no one should bring a volume number down to the pieces level for a ACQSER FC Minutes Nov.4/03 P.2 monograph. 3.3 and 3.4 Procedural standards Ella-Fay is considering coordinating a meeting (perhaps February) between standards working groups (Serial Acquisitions and Acquisitions) to review documentation and update accordingly. Tangential to this discussion, some comments were made about the ability to easily find information on the Novanet website. Committee members wondered whether some of the pages could be reorganized. Gail asked about standards for describing holdings within the GUI interface. Ella-Fay mentioned that we need to look at issues effecting workflows, not just the appearance of data in the system. She also suggested that if we can all follow standards right from order creation onward, agreeing to procedures for setting up, Holdings should be easier. At this point, Ella-Fay noted that we should be careful about expending a great deal of effort on creating standards for a system that might be changing in the not too distant future. Mention was made of the Novanet AdHoc review committee and the work that had already been done in examining various systems for the CAUL Portal initiative. Dylan suggested that the soonest we could convert to a new library management system would be two years. 3.5 Type of holdings. Discussion centred on whether type of holding should be expressed as AIss@ or ALibrary has@ or ADALLAW has@(for instance). There are mixed feelings throughout Novanet (both institutionally and from a modular viewpoint) about the best course of action. Ella-Fay noted that this is actually a two-part matter in that we should first agree that each institution should have their own check-in record and not link to someone else=s. If this was the rule across the consortium then it would follow that each institution would likely also have an individualized type of holding e.g ADALKIL has@. There was general agreement to this by those in attendance. Our recommendation that we follow this practice as of January 1, 2004 will need to be presented to both Cataloguing and OPAC representatives for their comment. 3.6 Retrospective holdings Gail had observed just recently that, when adding e-journal holdings, the Geoweb display was quite different from telnet (i.e. Geoweb seems to be deriving some holdings from retrospective holdings statement but telnet displays no holdings at all). Gail will provide some examples for the group to examine and we were reminded that the A856 script@ instructs staff to >add new= when setting up records for electronic holdings. Within Novanet we have agreed free electronic titles are designated as AInternet holding@ while those that are paid for by a given library will have the url as part of their institution=s holdings. ACQSER FC Minutes Nov. 4/03 P. 3 4. LCN 10349411 - order of checked in items This item was deferred since Verna Mingo (NSAC) was not able to attend the meeting to describe the issues of concern. 5. GeoWEB display of serials in GeoWEB 5 One problem that had been occurring (checkin history not displaying) had been fixed by Novanet staff. Ella-Fay asks that any problems in serials display in GeoWEB5 be forwarded to her so that they can be addressed. Elaine and Peter mentioned the there still may be a problem with duplication of AISS@ or ALibrary has@ in some records. There continues to be a problem when a library has two copies of a serial in different locations (e.g. latest edition in reference). Holdings are not displaying in order and the example of AKey indicators of developing Asian and Pacific countries@ has been offered as an example of this anomaly. Gail reminded the group that there are still serious display problems occurring whenever we try to edit >iss@ or >supp= holdings. The more we try to fix the problem, the bigger the mess created and displayed. Once again, we agreed to send examples to the Novanet office for them to pass on to Geac. 6. Initial article Peter drew our attention to the fact that, with the last upgrade, brief on order records would not be found if they had been entered in the database with a lead article (e.g. the, a, le, les etc.). Library staff who have worked with the Reserve module have known about this problem since the upgrade but it is possible that acquisitions folks had not been made aware that this issue affects order records as well. This information will be passed on to all order staff in our libraries. ACQSER FC Minutes Nov. 4/03 P. 4 7. New business 7.1 Peter asked whether the group would be amenable to creating a check-in type code of Aelectronic@. This is proposed because it would allow MSVU holdings to show that, even if all print issues are not received, the gap can be filled with an electronic issue. There was much discussion of this suggestion and Ella-Fay made the point that, from a cataloguing standards point of view, there should not be a mixture of formats within piece records. 7.2 On the Novanet staff webpage for ACQSER, a description is given of reports listing Orphan records with Acquisition links and GLIS migration items which for which Asuspicious@ piece records exist. There was consensus that many of the 3000+ identified items could just be deleted. The group was asked to examine these again with a view to clearing them once and for all. 7.3 Elaine queried the status of the EDI trial. Dylan reported that the testing continues and Geac is supposed to be examining the examples submitted by SFX and AST. Since extra payment was made to Geac for this enhancement, we would like to know when its development will be complete. Ella-Fay will bring this up at the next NSOC meeting. 7.4 Peter reported that, at the last NSOC meeting, the committee which examined NSOC and its functions was preparing its final report which would be forwarded to the Novanet list in the near future. 7.5 Elaine raised the point that training issues should always have a place on the agenda for our meetings. Specifically, she recommended that a serials checkin training session should be made available to the staff who actually do this on a daily basis. As there was general agreement around the table for this suggestion, Ella-Fay offered to try and arrange this some time in the future. 8. Next Meeting This will be held on April 16, 2004 at 10:00 a.m.; location TBA. Meeting adjourned