NOVANET ACQUISITIONS/SERIALS FUNCTIONAL CONTACTS MEETING #8 University of King’s College Conference Room, Tues., 19 Apr. 2005 1 p.m. Present: Linda Aiken (Dal Law), Karen Chandler (Dal Killam), Gail Fraser (Dal Kellogg), Allison Fulford (Dal Sexton), Marie Gillis (St. F.X. via phone), Peter Glenister (MSVU), Paulette Lambert (King’s), AnneMarie MacKenzie (CBU via phone), Kevin MacNeil (St. F.X. via phone), Brenda McKenna (St. F.X. via phone), Verna Mingo (NSAC), Bev Neable (NSCC), Glenna Quinn (St. F.X. via phone), Heather Saunders (SMU), Cathy Toomey (CBU via phone), Florence Wardrope (St. F.X. via phone), Terri Winchcombe (Dal Sexton). Regrets: Jane Archibald (Dal Killam), Kit Clarke (NSCAD), Linda MacLeod (Dal Killam), Nick Sobol (CBU via phone), 1. Agenda The agenda was agreed to include: Review of the previous minutes (meeting #7), Discussion of issues relating to Advance to Aleph migration, and Next meeting date. 2. Minutes of previous meeting (2 Mar., 2005) The minutes of the 2 Mar., 2005 meeting were approved as distributed with the correction by removal of L. Melanson among those present. 3. New business 3.1 Migration issues Acquisitions/Serials representatives (K. Chandler and B. Neable) on the Novanet Advance to Aleph Data Migration Team (DMT) identified five areas of concern: The loss, without possible additional programming (at cost) to provide a substitute future, of historical data, i.e. data relating to Purchase Orders that are not Open at the time of extracting migration data and of data relating to purchases with payment split between funds; The uncertainty of the actual migration date in terms of completing the 2005/2006 fiscal year; The probable loss of current checkin data and the integrity of summary holdings statements; The relationship of child to parent order records for memberships, mono series and title changes and whether or not the latest title data could migrate; Access to Notes in migrated Purchase Order and Vendor records. There was agreement that Novanet library administrators should be made aware of the potential loss of financial data, in particular, along with the disruption in normal workflow to accommodate the transition from Advance before staff are comfortable with Aleph procedures as a new FY (2005/2006) end approaches. K. Chandler and B. Neable agreed to draft for comment by the Functional Group a statement of these concerns before distributing further to NSOC and Management Board. Functional Group members also agreed to identify records for DMT testing. 4. Next meeting Not until data from Novanet is available for DMT testing and evaluation. 5. Adjournment 3.25 p.m.