Acquisitions/Serials: ALEPH Training Documents

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Acquisitions ALEPH Training Documents

Acquisitions Client Environmemnt (Word doc, 467 KB)

Acquisitions Reports (Word dec, 28 KB)

Basic Aquisitions Procedures (Word doc, 50 KB)

Creating a Currency (Word doc, 50 KB)

Creating a Vendor (Word doc, 159 KB)

Moving PO to New Subscription (Word doc, 125 KB)

Standing Order Serial Orders (Word doc,1 MB)

Standing Orders – Monographic series And Multivolume (Word doc,2 MB)

Workflow: Loading a Record from LC Voyager (Word doc, 574 KB)

Serials ALEPH Training Documents

Adding Unexpected Issues (Word doc, 207 KB)

ALEPH Routing (Word doc, 354 KB)

Basic Serials Procedures Agenda (Word doc, 50 KB)

Binding in ALEPH (Word doc, 584 KB)

Changing Frequency in ALEPH (Word doc, 859 KB)

Claiming Serials in ALEPH (Word doc, 175 KB)

Combining Serial Issues (Word doc, 284 KB)

Creating an 866 (Word doc, 125 KB)

MARC 21 Coding on the ALEPH Publications Pattern Template (Word doc, 190 KB)

Marc 21 Holdings (PPT, 852 KB)

MARC 21 Holdings Format Pattern Information(Word doc, 144 KB)

Overview of ALEPH Serials: Part 1 (Word doc, 53 KB)

Overview of ALEPH Serials: Part 2 (Word doc, 537 KB)

Predictive Patterns for Indexes (Word doc, 282 KB)

Predictive Patterns for Supplements (Word doc, 284 KB)

Publication Patterns: Semi-monthly Example (Word doc, 342 KB)

Serials in ALEPH Migrated Titles (Word doc, 425 KB)

Serial Services in ALEPH (Word doc, 44 KB)

Setting up and checking Serials using Prediction: Part 1 (Word doc, 263 KB)

Setting up and checking Serials using Prediction: Part 2 (Word doc, 469 KB)

Standing Order Serial Orders (Word doc, 1 MB)